Getting an original TowerPro SG90 Continuous Rotation 360 Degree is not an economical option at all!!! And is also a very difficult task to recognize and buy an original TowerPro servo, Because there are many suppliers spread over different online shops who are selling fake servo motors under this Brand name. believes in satisfied customers, so whatever the product are we first import it then test it for their supplier-defined and standard capabilities. Only after doing all the possible quality checks, we make the product available to our customers.
We have imported this copy of the original TowerPro SG90 Continuous Rotation 360 Degree from our trusted supplier. Though these are the copy of the original Mini TowerPro servos, they are compatible with all the applications that use the genuine TowerPro SG90 because of their size, comparable quality, and optimized performance.
This TowerPro SG90 Continuous Rotation 360 Degree Servo Motor is special among all the available servo motors because its operation is very different from that of a standard servo. Instead of going to a specified angle, this servo will be static at a 1.5ms pulse, a longer pulse gives forward rotation and a shorter pulse gives backward rotation.
It equips Carbon Fiber Gears which makes the servo motor much lighter than the same metal gear motor. For small load applications using the metal gear servo motor adds unnecessary weight, so we suggest using this lightweight plastic gear servo motor.
It is a Digital Servo Motor that receives and processes PWM signals faster and better. It equips sophisticated internal circuitry that provides good torque, holding power, and faster updates in response to external forces.
The good optimized performance and reliability of our servos have made them the favorite choice of many RC hobbyists.
They are packed within a tight sturdy plastic case which makes them water and dust-resistant which is a very useful feature in RC planes, Boats, RC Monster Trucks, etc. It equips a 3-wire JR servo plug which is compatible with Futaba connectors too.
Wire Description
RED – Vcc (Positive)
Brown – GND (Negative)
Orange – PWM (Signal)
We are selling a wide range of Servo Motors with variable specs and quality material, Check them out now
Servo Motors and Accessories
Features :
- High resolution
- Accurate positioning
- Fast control response
- Constant torque throughout the servo travel range
- Excellent holding power
Package Includes :
1 x TowerPro SG90 Servo Motor 360° rotation with Cable
Set of Horns
- One Point
- Two Point
- Four Point
1 x Set of Screws
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